Please read this information carefully and save a copy for your records.
By submitting a request to connect with one of our third-party lenders, you consent to the use of electronic signatures, records, and disclosures ("E-Consent"). This E-Consent outlines your rights concerning electronic disclosures, notices, and information. By clicking the consent link, you acknowledge that you have received this E-Consent and agree to conduct transactions electronically.
You may request paper copies of any disclosures by contacting the third-party lender directly. Paper copies will be provided at no charge. Lenders will retain disclosures as required by law.
This E-Consent applies to all online interactions with the third-party lender, including interactions on mobile devices such as phones, smartphones, and tablets. The lender may process information and send notices electronically. Disclosures may be provided via our or the lender’s websites and through email.
To access and retain electronic disclosures, you will need:
Contact the third-party lender with any questions about hardware or software requirements.
Your E-Consent for our connecting service cannot be withdrawn as it is a one-time transaction. However, you may withdraw E-Consent with third-party lenders at any time without charge. Note that withdrawing consent before receiving credit may prevent you from obtaining credit. Contact the lender directly to withdraw consent. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the validity of prior electronic disclosures.
Keep third-party lenders informed of any changes to your electronic or mailing address. Update your information by logging into the lender’s website or by sending a written update by mail.
By clicking the consent link, you confirm that you can access disclosures in the formats described above.
By clicking the link, you consent to the terms outlined. You acknowledge that you have read and understood the information about electronic signatures, records, disclosures, and electronic transactions. You agree to use electronic signatures, receive all disclosures electronically, and do business with the lender electronically. You may request a paper copy of electronic records at no charge. If you do not proceed, you do not wish to use electronic signatures or conduct this transaction electronically. Your consent to electronic disclosures is required to receive services from third-party lenders online.