Simply provide your phone number and spend just 2 minutes filling out the form.
Jade Cash Advance evaluates numerous lenders to find those offering the most favorable terms and are prepared to approve your application.
Choose a loan offer, sign the contract, and the funds will be deposited directly into your account. No need to complete additional forms on multiple websites.
Jade Cash Advance is a marketplace that allows you to compare financial products from multiple providers side-by-side. We are not a lender, a bank, or a credit card issuer. Instead, we partner with top financial service providers to offer you a variety of competitive options, helping you find the financial product that best suits your needs. And the best part? Jade Cash Advance is completely free!
With Jade Cash Advance’s lending marketplace, you can complete a simple, two-minute form and instantly see which lenders you qualify for and at what rates. These rates are personalized and prequalified based on your credit history. Checking your prequalified rates with Jade Cash Advance will not affect your credit score.
Unlike most comparison sites that provide only generic information about financial service providers, Jade Cash Advance offers personalized, prequalified rates specific to you. While you may visit individual lender websites to check personalized rates, it’s typically one lender at a time.
Additionally, many comparison sites share your information with other companies, leading to aggressive sales calls. At Jade Cash Advance, we aim to protect you from such tactics. We only share your information with our partner lenders under specific circumstances and always with your permission.
Checking prequalified rates on Jade Cash Advance is completely free, and there is no obligation to proceed with a loan.
Our partners typically pay us a fee when borrowers we refer take out a loan. We do not charge Jade Cash Advance users for our service, and the fees we receive do not influence the options you see or how they are presented on our site.